
Thank you calling by to visit my new site. I would like to thank sdf.org for this little place on their server to let me set up my website. They have a serious amount of services available and I am looking forward to becoming a full member and help contribute to one of the oldest UNIX sites around.

Purpose of Site

With this site I hope to bring together a few different projects that I am currently working on. I am currently working on my radio broadcasting skills. The broadcast name i uses is haggismaggis aka jimmy. I hope to make this my one stop shop to find out what shows have been produced and hopefully I can make it easier to organize all my pods than the clunky weebly blog and site builder which is impossible to work with since they make it so hard to insert a bit of javascript which might make a site more respectable looking.

I hope to also use this place to show off some javascript which i love to work with. I will hopefully become a little on-line portfolio.

I shall also have a section devoted to Linux Slackware, with some useful scripts and also a few I have made myself.

Current Projects

This section is where i will have a few quick links up to current projects currently being worked on or projects recently completed.

MSIRadio Schedual

This is a Javascript program I have been working on to try make managing an ever changing radio schedual more managable.. Click on schedule to view the PIRaio host times...

Setting Slackware up for Radio Broadcasting

This will be a little tutorial on how to set slackware 14 up to broadcast over a ShoutCast or IceCast server. In this tutorial we will be setting up the loopback sound card to mix alsa audio for use with jack audio server.Click here to view the page.